Large mural, found during a bike ride in Chalkida. Yes, this is my bike on the right!
I’m fascinated by all the forms of street and graffiti art that you can stumble upon while walking, biking, driving etc. Today I’m sharing some of my discoveries from Chalkida, where I’m living and Athens, that I ‘m often visiting.
Located at the area of Kerameikos in Athens, near Benaki Museum:
Found at Thission, in Athens:
Also, a couple of interesting links:
- Artist Alyn Carlson is giving away a 5 x 5 inch painting, if you send three followers to her blog. In case you visit Alyn’s blog and decide to follow it, I would appreciate it if you could leave her a comment, mentioning that you were referred by me.
- Kirsty Hall has posted another insightful article, this time it’s about metaphors and how they can help understand the creative process.