I always appreciate it when I receive a beautifully wrapped package and I also like to spend extra time when prepping my own packages. So when Stacey asked me to send some of my Ring-a-Day postcards, I wanted to prepare a special packaging for her. A few days ago I had read this post on Decor8 and immediately everything fell into place.
First, I made an envelope, using tracing paper and glue. Then, I pulled some of the materials that I like, such as doilies from my favorite coffee shop in town, pressed leaves and flowers, crochet flowers and threads.
Postcards inside and a “heart” sticker, cut from paper tape:
Embroidery thread wrapped around the envelope and ready to go!
Stacey makes beautiful jewelry combining classic metalworking with metal clay techniques and she also participates in Ring-a-Week. I’m so glad to have met her! You can visit her Flickr and Etsy shop to see more of her work.
Thanks for reading!