BraceletsJewelryGemstone Bracelet 272 Bracelet with gemstones (amethyst, amazonite, coral, turquoise, carnelian, citrine, olivine stone, labradorite),...
JewelryRingsTextured Silver Apatite Ring 318 Handcrafted sterling silver ring, made from textured silver, embellished with an apatite...
EarringsJewelryAquamarine Earrings 302 Handcrafted, sterling silver earrings, with aquamarine in bezel setting....
BraceletsJewelryLeather Turquoise Bracelet 378 Just playing around with some macramé knots… The bracelet is embellished with...
JewelryNecklacesCoral and Pearl Pendant 274 Pendant, featuring a branch coral and a white freshwater pearl....
EarringsJewelryFlower Earrings 304 Handcrafted dangle earrings with gemstones and hill tribe silver flowers....
EarringsJewelryCircle Textured Earrings 364 Handcrafted, sterling silver disc earrings. The discs are textured, oxidized and slightly...
AccessoriesJewelryChild Sandals!!! 294 Leather, child sandals, embellished with coral and crystals....
JewelryNecklacesFelted Flowers Necklace 352 Hand felted flowers and beads in grey/black were combined to assemple this...
EarringsJewelryFlower Hoops 367 Handcrafted, sterling silver hoops, embellished with patinated, textured copper flowers....